Saturday 30 October 2010

Jam Tomorrow

`The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday -- but never jam to-day.'
`It must come sometimes to "jam do-day,"' Alice objected.
`No, it can't,' said the Queen. `It's jam every other day: to-day isn't any other day, you know.'

All of which begs the question, "what shall I have on my toast today?"

During her fall down the rabbit hole, Alice discovers a jar of marmalade but is disappointed to discover that it is empty. There is a story that Lorina Liddell (mother of  Alice Liddell, who inspired the original tale) was well known for her home-made marmalade, and that it was her recipe used in the production of Frank Cooper's famous Oxford Marmalade.

The Dormouse seems rather fixated with treacle, famously recounting the story of the three girls who live in a treacle well at the mad tea party and then raising the topic again during the trial of the Knave of Hearts, where he asserts that it is the principal ingredient of tarts. Treacle is a sweet, sticky spread made of sugar and is often compared to molasses. We think it's delicious, and Lyles Black Treacle comes in a rather spiffing tin, in which you could keep all manner of things.

In Through the Looking Glass, Alice sees some elephants bustling about making honey. She is keen to try it but put off by the thought of being teased by the enormous pachyderms. The White Knight has no luck obtaining honey either. He has a bee hive strapped to his horse, but it is never visited by any bees.

And you will just have to keep your jam till tomorrow.

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